This post is inspired by The stunning beauty of Chaos theory.

from scipy.integrate import solve_ivp
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from pylab import rcParams
rcParams['figure.figsize'] = 12, 4

from ipywidgets import interactive
from IPython.core.display import HTML
from numba import jit
import numpy as np, pandas as pd, datashader as ds
from datashader import transfer_functions as tf
from datashader.colors import inferno, viridis

equation of the logistic map

$$x_{i+1}=r \cdot x_{i}\left(1-x_{i}\right)$$ More info about this equation.

Here is an implementation of this itteration:

def simulate(x_0, r, n=100, transients=100):
    #Transients first
    for i in range(1,transients):
    # Then "record" the rest
    xs = np.zeros(n)
    for i in range(1,n):
    return xs

Here is an example simulation with the initial value $x_0=0.8$ and $r=1$:

def simulate_and_plot(x_0=0.8, r=1, n=100, ax=None, **kwargs):
    xs = simulate(x_0=x_0, r=r, transients=0, n=n)
    if ax is None:
    ax.plot(xs,'.-', **kwargs);
    ax.set_title('$x_0=%0.2f$, $r=%0.1f$' % (x_0,r))

simulate_and_plot(x_0=0.8, r=1)

This equation is however extremely sensitive to changes in the intial condition. Even a very small difference in the intial value of $x_0$ can give a totally different behavious as is shown in this example:

simulate_and_plot(x_0=0.8, r=3.8, n=100, ax=ax)
simulate_and_plot(x_0=0.800001, r=3.8, n=100, ax=ax)

Bifurcation diagram

We want to make a bifurcation diagram showing how the solution changes for various initial values ($x_0$) and coefficients $r$. I will used the datashader python package to visualize this. We will create a picture where each combination of $x_0$ and $r$ generates a series of $x$ values. All of these $x$ values are plotted against the $r$ value used.

If we would do this in a normal scatter plot, we would get points everywhere, which would not be a very informative graph. Instead datashader will make the points where there are a lot of points plotted ontop of each other darker, sp we can see that they are a more frequent combination or $x$ and $r$.

Here is an implementation running all of the simulations:

def bifurcation_diagram(x0_s, r_s, n_i):
    Create a bifurcation diagram for the logistic map equation
    n_i : int
        number of itterations in simulation
    data : ndarray
    n_x = len(x0_s)
    n_r = len(r_s)
    n_rows = n_x*n_r*n_i
    for i_r,r in enumerate(r_s):
        for i_x_0,x_0 in enumerate(x0_s):
            xs = simulate(x_0=x_0, r=r, n=n_i)
            row_start=i_r*n_r + i_x_0*n_x
            data[row_start:row_stop,0] = r*np.ones(n_i)
            data[row_start:row_stop,1] = xs
            data[row_start:row_stop,2] = x_0*np.ones(n_i)
    return data

Now generate a bifurcation diagram:

n_i=50 # number of itterations in simulation

x0_s = np.linspace(0.001,1,n_x)
r_s = np.linspace(2.95,4,n_r)

data = bifurcation_diagram(x0_s=x0_s, r_s=r_s, n_i=n_i)

We convert the results into a Pandas dataframe:

df = pd.DataFrame(data=data,columns=['r','x','x0'])
r x x0
0 2.95 0.661493 0.001
1 2.95 0.660564 0.001
2 2.95 0.661446 0.001
3 2.95 0.660609 0.001
4 2.95 0.661404 0.001

Now we can let the datashader do its magic to plot the data in the dataframe:

cvs = ds.Canvas(plot_width = 700, plot_height = 700, x_range=[r_s[0],r_s[-1]])
agg = cvs.points(df, 'r', 'x')

tf.shade(agg, cmap = ["white", "black"])

So this is the solutions with intial values $x_0$ between 0 and 1 with $r$ between 2.95 and 4.