Just a little bit about data analysis for ship hydrodynamics…
In this blog I will post stuff that I’ve learned or trying to learn during my PHD studies. So this this is mainly my own notes for my self, but since it is online you are free to
have a look and maybe also give some feedback.
Implementation of the so called first order Nomoto model for ship maneuvering dynamics
Aug 25, 2020
I wanted to know what Support Vector Regression (SVR) is and what it can do...
Aug 24, 2020
When doing machine learning most of the time is spend collecting and cleaning the data. I decided to do some practicing on some existing open data from Technical University of Delft. The data contain residuary resistance of sailing yachts.
Aug 17, 2020
I recently developed a model to predict ship roll damping using Linear Regression. I spend quite much time doing the feature selection, here I want to revisit this but using a synthetic regression dataset.
Aug 12, 2020
I implemented a REST API for one of the methods to predict ship roll damping during my PHD project. Here is a brief explanation of how this API can be used.
Aug 3, 2020
Simulation of dynamic systems for dummies. This is a very simple description of how to do time simulations of a dynamic system using SciPy ODE (Ordinary Differnetial Equation) Solver.
Dec 14, 2019