Regression on yacht hydrodynamics data set
When doing machine learning most of the time is spend collecting and cleaning the data. I decided to do some practicing on some existing open data from Technical University of Delft. The data contain residuary resistance of sailing yachts.
- 5-Step Systematic Process
- 1. Define the Problem
- Step 1: What is the problem? Describe the problem informally and formally and list assumptions and similar problems.
- Step 2: Why does the problem need to be solved? List your motivation for solving the problem, the benefits a solution provides and how the solution will be used.
- Step 3: How would I solve the problem? Describe how the problem would be solved manually to flush domain knowledge.
- 2. Prepare Data
- 3. Spot Check Algorithms
- 4. Improve Results
I found this open data from from Technical University of Delft.
import sklearn
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
from sklearn.datasets import make_regression
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
import altair as alt
from io import StringIO
import re
import urllib
5-Step Systematic Process
I will approach this by trying to following the the following process:
- Define the Problem
- Prepare Data
- Spot Check Algorithms
- Improve Results
- Present Results
As described here)
1. Define the Problem
Step 1: What is the problem? Describe the problem informally and formally and list assumptions and similar problems.
To predict the residuary resistance of sailing yachts to be used in the the initial design stage.
Step 2: Why does the problem need to be solved? List your motivation for solving the problem, the benefits a solution provides and how the solution will be used.
Martin needs practice.
Step 3: How would I solve the problem? Describe how the problem would be solved manually to flush domain knowledge.
Regression on the Delft data set will be conducted. The regression will be performed initially in the most simplistic way, where each row in the data will be treated as a unique individual. But in reality the rows are of course connected to each other if they are from the same ship. This will maybe be handled at a later stage.
2. Prepare Data
I followed a process as described here.
Step 1: Data Selection:
Consider what data is available, what data is missing and what data can be removed. The Delft data will be used which comprises 308 full-scale experiments, which were performed at the Delft Ship Hydromechanics Laboratory for that purpose. These experiments include 22 different hull forms, derived from a parent form closely related to the Standfast 43 designed by Frans Maas. I think that all of the data can be used
Step 2: Data Preprocessing:
Organize your selected data by formatting, cleaning and sampling from it.
Column | Variable | Description |
1. | lcg | Longitudinal position of the center of buoyancy, adimensional. |
2. | cp | Prismatic coefficient, adimensional. |
3. | volume | Length-displacement ratio, adimensional. |
4. | b/d | Beam-draught ratio, adimensional. |
5. | l/b | Length-beam ratio, adimensional. |
6. | fn | Froude number, adimensional. |
7. | r | residuary resistance per unit weight of displacement, adimensional |
columns = [
data_url = r''
with urllib.request.urlopen(data_url) as file:"utf-8")
# remove some dirt:
regexp = re.compile(r' \n', flags=re.DOTALL)
s1 = regexp.sub('\n', s_raw)
regexp = re.compile(r' +', flags=re.DOTALL)
s2 = regexp.sub(' ', s1)
data = StringIO(s)
data = pd.read_csv(data, sep=' ', encoding='utf-8', names=columns)
features = list(set(columns)-set(['r']))
label = 'r'
alt.X(alt.repeat("column"), type='quantitative', scale=alt.Scale(zero=False)),
alt.Y(alt.repeat("row"), type='quantitative'),
Step 3: Data Transformation:
Transform preprocessed data ready for machine learning by engineering features using scaling, attribute decomposition and attribute aggregation.
The features are already made nondimensional, however it seems that the size of them differ a bit (ex: b/d in [3,5] and cp in [0.5, 0.6] so it might be worth to conduct some kind of more scaling to make them more equal.
This is something that I want to look more into, but not now.
No obvious aggregrations here
from sklearn.preprocessing import PolynomialFeatures
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_score
from sklearn.model_selection import RepeatedKFold
cv = RepeatedKFold(n_splits=5, n_repeats=10, random_state=1)
First just looking at first order linear regression:
linear_regression = LinearRegression()
steps = [
('linear_regression', linear_regression),
pipeline_linear = Pipeline(steps=steps)
scores = cross_val_score(estimator=pipeline_linear, X=X, y=y, scoring='r2', cv=cv, n_jobs=-1)
fig,ax = plt.subplots()
ax.set_title('Histogram over cross validations');
Add a scaler:
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
standard_scaler = StandardScaler()
steps = [
('scaler', standard_scaler),
('linear_regression', linear_regression),
pipeline_linear_scaled = Pipeline(steps=steps)
Add polynomial features:
from sklearn.preprocessing import PolynomialFeatures
polynomial_features = PolynomialFeatures(degree=2)
steps = [
('scaler', standard_scaler),
('polynomial_features', polynomial_features),
('linear_regression', linear_regression),
pipeline_polynomial_scaled = Pipeline(steps=steps)
Add feature selection:
from sklearn.feature_selection import SelectKBest
from sklearn.feature_selection import f_regression
select_k_best = SelectKBest(score_func=f_regression, k=4)
steps = [
('scaler', standard_scaler),
('polynomial_features', polynomial_features),
('select_k_best', select_k_best),
('linear_regression', linear_regression),
pipeline_polynomial_scaled_selection = Pipeline(steps=steps)
models = {
'linear scaled':pipeline_linear_scaled,
'polynomial scaled':pipeline_polynomial_scaled,
'polynomial scaled with feature selection':pipeline_polynomial_scaled_selection
scores = {}
for model_name, model in models.items():
scores[model_name] = cross_val_score(estimator=model, X=X, y=y, scoring='r2', cv=cv, n_jobs=-1)
df_cross_validation = pd.DataFrame()
for model_name, model in models.items():
scores_ = cross_val_score(estimator=model, X=X, y=y, scoring='r2', cv=cv, n_jobs=-1)
validations = np.arange(0,len(scores_))
df_cross_validation=df_cross_validation.append(df_, ignore_index=True)
df_scores = pd.DataFrame(scores)
ax = sns.boxplot(x='model', y='score', data=df_cross_validation)
ax.set_xticklabels(ax.get_xticklabels(),rotation=90); the spot checking tells us that it is worth to use:
- A higher order polynomial
- And to do feature selection
df_scores = pd.DataFrame(scores)
ax = sns.boxplot(x='model', y='score', data=df_cross_validation)
from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV
# define the grid
grid = dict()
grid['select_k_best__k'] = [i for i in range(X.shape[1]-20, X.shape[1]+1)]
grid['polynomial_features__degree'] = [i for i in range(1, 10)]
# define the grid search
search = GridSearchCV(estimator=pipeline_polynomial_scaled_selection, param_grid=grid, scoring='neg_mean_absolute_error', n_jobs=-1, cv=cv)
# perform the search
search_result =, y)
model = search_result.best_estimator_
The model is the same thing as the following polynomial:
def find_polynomial_feature(model):
found = False
for part in model:
if isinstance(part, PolynomialFeatures):
polynomial_features = part
found = True
if not found:
raise ValueError('model pipeline must contain an instance of PolynomialFeatures')
return polynomial_features
def find_select_k_best(model):
found = False
for part in model:
if isinstance(part, SelectKBest):
select_k_best = part
found = True
if not found:
raise ValueError('model pipeline must contain an instance of SelectKBest')
return select_k_best
def model_to_string(model:sklearn.pipeline.Pipeline, feature_names:list, divide=' '):
# Find polynomial features:
polynomial_features = find_polynomial_feature(model=model)
# Find select_k_best:
select_k_best = find_select_k_best(model=model)
polynomial_feature_names = np.array(polynomial_features.get_feature_names())
best_polynomial_feature_names = polynomial_feature_names[select_k_best.get_support()]
predictor = model[-1] # Last item in the pipeline is assumed to be the precictor
coefficients = predictor.coef_
interception = predictor.intercept_
x_names = ['x%i'%i for i in range(len(feature_names))]
expression = ''
expression+='%f' % interception
for part,coefficient in zip(best_polynomial_feature_names,coefficients):
nice_part = part.replace(' ','*')
super_nice_part = nice_part
for feature_name,x in zip(feature_names,x_names):
if coefficient==0:
elif coefficient<0:
sub_part = '%s%s%s%f*%s' % (divide,sign,divide,coefficient,super_nice_part)
return expression
print(model_to_string(model=model, feature_names=features))
And a bit nicer with model->sympy->latex:
from sympy.parsing.sympy_parser import parse_expr
def model_to_sympy(model:sklearn.pipeline.Pipeline, feature_names:list, label='y'):
model_string = model_to_string(model=model, feature_names=feature_names)
model_string = model_string.replace('^','**')
lhs = sp.Symbol(label)
rhs = parse_expr(model_string)
sympy_expression = sp.Eq(lhs=lhs, rhs=rhs)
return sympy_expression
features_latex = {
'b/d' : r'\frac{b}{d}',
'l/b' : r'\frac{l}{b}',
'lcg' : r'L_{cg}',
'fn' : 'F_n',
'cp' : 'C_p',
'volume' : 'V',
latex_features = [features_latex[key] for key in features]
model_to_sympy(model=model, feature_names=latex_features, label='R')